Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Starting over

I guess I'm going to start blogging again so I can reach out to others who might be going through the same situation and we can create a support group. I will start off by explaining what happened in the past year that brought me to where I'm. Besides all the the bullshit of losing family and having your heart broken, what really brought me to this point is that I refuse to live in fear and misery. I have done that long enough and its time to finally embrace what I'm passionate about. Its easy to choose the safe path that thousands of others choose and have a stable career where you work for someone the rest of your life. I though I wanted to be a nurse, I buried my heart in order to achieve financial stability and never have to worry about making money, but you can never truly bury your passions they will always come back to haunt you. I guess its because I'm an immigrant daughter and all I  wanted was to make my parents proud, where I come from in Mexico being a designer isn't a reputable career, but more of a hobby. I always wanted to deny that my passion was designing and that what was really a true trade was nursing. I fought for so many years trying to convince myself that fashion was just a hobby, but I finally cracked. I was returning as a second semester nursing student and as I sat in the class I could feel an anxiety coming upon me, and thats when I knew I had to stop. If you don't believe in divine intervention well you should, this anxiety has only happened twice in a classroom. The first time was when I was barely starting to take my prerequisites to apply for the nursing program. Sometimes you try to convince your self that you want something but your body rejects it. I could feel my heart beat fast, as a struggled for breath, I thought I was having a heart attack. I stood up from the class and I could feel the tears falling from my eyes as I was set free. I cried and called my mom telling her I couldn't do it anymore, of course she told me to quit because she knew my true passion was fashion. It was such a surreal moment, like being born again, I was about to faint and don't even know how I got into the car. I'm not going to deny that going through this sudden change of life path hasn't been easy. At days I feel stressed and unable to focus, my thoughts are all over the place, and even discouraged. Thats why I need to get all these emotions out there to help me organize my thoughts, to help me heal, and mainly to help me focus on my goals. If anyone is reading out there and you have a similar story where you quite your day job to follow your dreams, I would love to hear from you! I will posting as often as possible, and if you have any questions please ask. My name is Pam and I'm the founder of Vox Populi, my work has been featured in Rookie Mag, Kelly Osbourne's blog, and Nylon Magazine. I wholesale for Dolls Kill, Pin-up girl clothing, and Nylon shop. You can purchase my items on my etsy shop:


Monday, May 13, 2013

It's just another day full of color

It was a mother's day full with color and rainbows! I dedicated the rest of mother's day afternoon to taking pictures of my rainbow patched kimono and a couple of dresses I'am going to post on my etsy!
I was so excited that the first floral dress I posted sold! So I said "why not, let's post everything I've made during fashion school! 

One of my favorites was the patched kimono where I almost lost my mind. It was made  for a fashion competition,  and I decided to torture myself with sewing small little squares to make my own fabric. It took me a whole week, working about 5 hrs a day. The good thing is that I had my awesome friends to keep me company in the sewing lab dungeon. Each little square cut from various colors of cotton. My garment did end up walking the runway show, but unfortunately it didn't win. It didn't matter because I enjoyed so much making this garment!

Here are some pictures of my mad mother's day! 

Here is how the runway model from the competition wore it, she's not as fabulous! 
P.S those flower glasse are handmade and are posted in my etsy! 

I also had a chance to take pictures of a dress I made for my collection's class. My inspiration was the 1960's flower power! I hand made this dress 100%, all the way from hand cut fabric to drafted pattern. It's a princess line top with a circle skirt. Very simple, but I love the details! I hand applique all the rainbows, embroidered all the flowers by hand and sewed all the sequins. I also hand pleated the top chiffon fabric. My professor told me I was crazy to have done all that work! I'm just a lunit for fashion. Any way here are the pictures.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

DIY Pearl Brooch with Rocking Horse

So I have another blog on weebly, and I decided to switch to blog-spot  I belive it's a little bit more interactive and easier to manage. Beside's most of my favorite blogs are on blogspot and I can follow them! This post is basically a copy and paste form my old blog. Enjoy!

Hello Lovelies,
So here it is as promised, my tutorial on how to make a pearl brooch with a rocking horse. I was inspired by Meadham Kirchoff and their super cute and funky style. I'm so in love with everything they create!! I'm such a Meadham groupie!! I love their use of pastel colors, tulle, lace, and cute ribbons.


Lets get started!

Most of the materials you will be able to find them at the dollar store. I found the pearl string and rocking horse in the baby shower/birthday section. Also, you can find pearls  at Michael's or just use an old pearl necklace. Make sure that the hot glue you are using says that it can glue wood, fabric, and metal. The hot glue I used I found it at Michael's  in their floral section.

Ta-daaa!! This is what your pearl brooch should look like!
You can wear it on your blouse or you can use it as a collar clip!
Please let me know if yo have any questions, comment below.

"The girl with the flower psychosis"

I think I have a small problem, all I seem to want are floral prints. I think I'am the girl with the flower psychosis. I just bought two new floral fabrics this week and all I seem to want to do is floral headbands.
With that being said, I also made a detachable collar with this super cute floral fabric! Maybe it's because spring is the air that I've been so obsessed.

 You can purchase this collar on my

I also made this floral dress my sophomore year in fashion school, I really must say this is my favorite!
I might sell it on my etsy some time soon!  It's made from a floral black fabric that  I purchased sometime back in 2009. It's a strapless heart shaped top with a gathered skirt.

And last but not least the floral headband!

I sent some accessories this weekend to this wonderful stylish girl I met through instagram, and she kindly agreed to model them for me! She is the sweetest and she has such a cute style! I can't wait to see pictures and as soon as they are ready I will post them!